HomeActorsBiography of Marilyn Monroe

Biography of Marilyn Monroe

Many years have gone since Marilyn Monroe, the iconic blonde actress and living example of the “American Dream,” mysteriously passed away. However, curiosity about her life story, personality, and death circumstances persists to this day. Marilyn was first a copy of the opulent Jean Harlow, but she eventually turned into a celebrity among Hollywood actors.

It goes without saying that the young diva needed to be strong-willed, intelligent, and determined to achieve such fame. Regretfully, Marilyn Monroe was considered as a living example of sex appeal till the very end of her life. Only years after her passing would the astute and resilient woman in the actress come to light.


On June 1, 1926, Norma Jeane Mortenson was born in Los Angeles, California. In addition to the girl, Gladys Baker had two more children from a prior relationship: a son and a daughter. A few days prior to the birth of their shared daughter, the woman and the girl’s father were divorced. The mother fraudulently claimed that she had no living children on Norma’s birth certificate. Furthermore, it is uncertain exactly who the Hollywood star’s father is. The actress later stated that Norma’s biological father was a man named Charles Stanley Gifford and that the information in the paternity certificate was false.

The future celebrity faced numerous hardships as a young child. Gladys Baker’s mother Delia was unwilling to take the kid into her home, therefore the girl ended up in the care of the foster family Bolender, who operated an orphanage similar to a family. She saw her mother on a daily basis while residing here till the age of seven. In addition, Gladys covered all of her daughter’s expenses, including movie tickets and lunch.

After Norma’s mother took her in in 1933, the youngster was abandoned and left without protection just a year later when Gladys was admitted to the hospital due to a nervous breakdown. The infant was given to McKee, the girl’s mother’s best friend. Sadly, Norma’s adventures did not come to an end there.

After Grace married in 1934, the couple sent the girl back to an orphanage because they were too poor to support Grace and Norma together with themselves. The infant afterwards lived with one of her mother’s acquaintances or family members, or in an orphanage. The actress then recounted that she was repeatedly attempted to be raped by family members of the homes she resided in, making her adolescence a trying time for her.

But against the grim backdrop of reality, Norma finally got to meet Miracle, Bernice Baker’s sister, after a lengthy absence. The two grew particularly close. Later, a relative of the actress wrote about this information and much more from her biography in her book “My Sister Marilyn: Memoirs of Marilyn Monroe.”

Norma soon wed James Dougherty, whom she had met when she was fifteen years old. Once married, the girl was able to avoid going back to the shelter whenever the next round of “well-wishers” left her behind.


The actress started working at the Radioplane aircraft plant when she was seventeen years old. To raise the spirits of World War II soldiers, U.S. Air Force photographers were dispatched to the location in 1944 with the goal of producing a set of propaganda images. Subsequently, Norma got to know David Conover, a photographer who proposed modeling to her. The reason behind the man’s intense attraction to the attractive but unremarkable girl remains a mystery, but their encounter proved to be pivotal in shaping the future of the global celebrity. Norma started making money by modeling for Conover and his photographic pals after leaving the factory in January 1945.

After David suggested that the child get in touch with a modeling agency, the girl got a lucrative contract in August. The teenage model was also urged to adopt a pseudonym and alter her appearance. Norma had already taken on the persona of Jean Baker and had colored her hair platinum. This is how media magnate and millionaire Howard Hughes first laid eyes on her, and he was immediately drawn to the stunning blond’s desire to appear in movies.


Norma once more altered her artistic identity at the behest of 20th Century Fox’s executive producer, Ben Lyon. Ben, who thought the girl looked like the Broadway star Marilyn Miller, requested that she adopt her mother’s maiden name. This is the appearance of the well-known Marilyn Monroe.

The actress did not become unhappy when she did not receive invites to the world of big-budget film for a very long period. The girl learned as much as she could about film production in addition to taking dancing and singing lessons during her downtime from filming. The actress’s contract was extended in 1947. Marilyn played a number of unremarkable roles up until the second contract’s expiration, but they helped her build the experience she needed to advance in her career.

Monroe went back to modeling in 1948, and in March of that year, she signed a new contract with Columbia Pictures. Although her work in this studio did not lead to any noteworthy roles or celebrity, it did aid in her continued growth as an actress. Marilyn got to know a number of gifted stage hands who provided her with insightful guidance on her appearance and image.

When the movie actress went back to work at 20th Century Fox in 1950, she was given her first role, which helped people notice the girl. Monroe starred in the movie “The Asphalt Jungle” for a brief while, but the critics gave the young actor positive reviews despite her brief appearance. A few months later, Marilyn starred in another movie that was released. All About Eve won six Oscars and was hailed by the press as a Hollywood masterpiece that was sure to become a classic. Young Monroe gained notoriety as well.

The actress had a fantastic year in 1951. Marilyn featured in a number of comedies; journalists and critics praised the young actress and forecasted her rapid rise to prominence. And so it came to pass, particularly considering the actress’s prominence was impacted by a number of sharp controversies ranging from the discovery of nude images of Monroe to the challenging private life of a Hollywood celebrity.

Marilyn acquired notoriety in 1952 and 1953 as a movie star, a sexual icon, and the most beautiful actress in the country. The young, charming actress worked with several Hollywood stars, including Cary Grant, Fred Allen, and Jane Russell, on a number of hugely popular films. Thanks to Marilyn Monroe’s involvement in some sexual moments, the movie “Niagara” rose to infamous fame.

Betty Grable was supposed to play the part in the comedy “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” but Marilyn was requested to work on the film because of her increasing fame. The movie became the year’s biggest box office hit, and for the first time, the artist’s superb vocals were praised by reviewers.

Monroe’s role in the movie “The Seven Year Itch” solidified her image as a sex icon, and the scene in which the actress’s white garment flies away has long been regarded as cult classic. Later, the video was turned into a memorial in Chicago. During that period, Marilyn developed an image of herself as a “silly, charming blonde” that she would carry with her for the rest of her life.

The songs Monroe sang in movies are likewise well-remembered worldwide. One particularly well-known song from the movie Some Like It Hot is called I Wanna Be Loved By You.

For a while, Monroe would not even accept parts that were stylistically different from her previously established pieces. The actress has made it clear time and time again that she wants to project a somber, dramatic image, but nobody has dared to try this for a long time. Marilyn Monroe portrayed a compassionate and clever girl named Roslyn Taber in the 1961 film The Misfits, just a few months before she passed away. Roslyn was searching for human warmth rather than adventure or marriage.

Individual existence

The movie diva was surrounded by scandals pertaining to her many books. Officially, the future celebrity and American baseball player Joe DiMaggio’s marriage lasted for several years, but the couple actually decided to call it quits nine months after the wedding. Even after the divorce, the ex-husband cared for Marilyn and remained in love with her; in fact, he proposed to her one last time before he passed away.

Monroe wed Arthur Miller in 1955, and she talked respectfully and with admiration for him. The actress attempted to become a mother in this partnership, but the pregnancy proved to be ectopic. 1961 saw the couple’s divorce. The playwright soon after took his own life for unknown reasons.

Although there were many raucous rumors of Marilyn Monroe’s extramarital romance with US President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, official sources verified this story based on the private lives of well-known individuals.


Marilyn Monroe will always be remembered as a representation of beauty and femininity. There is an elusive spark of genius that many find unfathomable in the beauty of the American actress, her physique (height 166 cm, weight 52 kg), charisma, and creative spirit.

Presumably, based on the Hollywood actor Michael Gurdin’s plastic surgeon’s records, the legend of international cinema underwent a rhinoplasty. It can be inferred from the diagnosis made by an American physician that Monroe suffered from nasal septal injury, most likely as a consequence of a fall.

Allan Schneider was the actress’s personal makeup artist and a close friend. Marilyn and her partner originally connected during Marilyn’s early acting auditions at the 20th Century Fox studio. The stylist was able to create a distinctive image of the legend by utilizing several beauty secrets. Additionally, he created the artist’s distinctive makeup, which included red lipstick and dark eyebrow arrows set against light skin.


When her career was at its height, the movie star passed away in 1962. The artist’s own home, which she had bought just before she passed away, became the scene of tragedy. The Brentwood villa cost $75,000 when it was purchased. The star’s abrupt departure sparked a flurry of rumors and theories about what transpired, and American society began debating Marilyn’s death’s causes right once.

It is known that Eunice Murray, the actress’s housekeeper, found the dead actress’s body. There were empty prescription bottles in the room, and Monroe was laying on the bed, holding the phone receiver. When medical personnel arrived at the scene of the tragedy, they verified the initial theory that the actress had overdosed on sleeping drugs and died.

The public began to suspect that Marilyn’s death was not a suicide because of her body’s position—she was lying flat with her face in the pillow—her odd decision to not leave a suicide note, and the fact that nothing about her actions the day before suggested that she would act in such a desperate manner. Furthermore, the ongoing rumors regarding the Hollywood actress’s relationship with President Kennedy gave this tragedy a political undertone. The well-known blonde, according to the official inquiry report, committed suicide.


Following the actress’s passing, American filmmakers frequently attempted to depict her life narrative on screen. The documentary “The Legend of Marilyn Monroe” was directed by Terry Sanders and released in 1966. This film, whose makers attempted to portray the actress as unique yet realistic, will go down as the most truthful one.

Many American cultural figures were shocked to learn of the style icon’s passing. Andy Warhol started working on us with the well-known pop art piece “Marilyn’s Diptych” a week after the movie star’s funeral. A frame featuring the artist’s portrait, shot on the “Niagara” film set, was utilized to make the painting.

Much later, in 2022, the artist shot Sage Blue Marilyn, another painting, which went for an incredible $195 million at Christie’s, making it the most expensive piece of American art of the 20th century.

Feature films also bear reflections of the actress’s memories. 2011 saw the release of the biographical movie “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn.” Michelle Williams played the lead role, though Amy Adams, Kate Hudson, and Scarlett Johansson all tried out for the part of the well-known blonde.

Filmmakers have once more focused on the mystery surrounding the untimely death of a movie star in 2022. The movie “The Marilyn Monroe Secret: The Unheard Tapes,” which included previously unreleased interviews with the artist, made its premiere on the Netflix streaming site.

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