HomeKingsBiography of Osman Gazi

Biography of Osman Gazi

Osman Bey, the founder of the Ottoman Empire , was born in Söğüt in 1258 . His father is Ertuğrul Gazi and his mother is Halime Hatun . Osman Bey was tall, with a wide face, dark complexion, hazel eyes and robust muscles. His shoulders were rather broad, and the upper section of his body from the waist was longer than the bottom part. He wore a Khorasan crown in the manner of Chagatai, fashioned of red broadcloth. Their inner and outer clothing have large sleeves.

Osman Bey was a valuable statesman. He was honest, careful, bold, generous and just. He liked feeding and dressing the underprivileged. If someone looked attentively at the outfit he was wearing, he would quickly take it off and offer it to her as a present. Every afternoon, he would give a feast for everyone in his house.

Osman Bey was just 23 years old when he fell under the dominion of the Kayı Tribe in Sögüt in 1281. He was quite excellent at riding a horse, using a sword and fighting. From his marriage with Mal Hatun, his son Orhan Bey, who would later become the leader of the Ottoman Empire, was born.

He formed the Ottoman Empire in 1299

He won the Battles of Domaniç and Koyunhisar with Eastern Rome (Byzantium) .

He captured Kulucahisar, Karacahisar, Bilecik, Yarhisar, İnegöl, Yenişehir and Mudurnu . Lefke, Mekece, Akhisar, Geyve, Gölpazarı and Leblebici fortresses located in the Sakarya River valley were taken.

Osman Gazi, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, whose roots were established at Sögüt and which would govern for a period of six centuries and three continents, died of Nikris (goutte) sickness in Bursa in 1326 .


Before Osman Bey was born, his father Ertuğrul Gazi was divinely told of the tremendous deeds he would perform. As a matter of fact, due to his excellent talent and aptitude in administration, after his father’s death, all the other beys unanimously accepted him as ” Kayı Bey”, even though he was the youngest son .

Thus, Osman Bey, who became the leader of the principality via alliance, extended the 4800 km² of land inherited from his father to 16 thousand km². The first coin was struck under his rule.


His father , Ertuğrul Gazi , adopted his instructor and mentor, Sheikh Edebali, as his guidance throughout his life , and became a perfect gentleman with his spiritual upbringing. For this reason, he very much wanted his son to grow up under his parenting. Osman Gazi also regularly visited Edebali and accepted his prayers.

One night, when he was a guest at Sheikh Edebali’s house , Osman Bey had exhilarating moments in the quiet of discourse that offered peace to his spirit and eased his soul’s troubles. According to one story, since there was a Quran hanging on the wall of the chamber he was shown to sleep in, he went into a beautiful slumber without moving his feet, curling up where he sat. In his dream, the Moon erupted from Sheikh Edebali ‘s breast and gradually became the shape of a crescent , one end of which entered his own chest, and a sapling that emerged between him and Sheikh Edebali became a plane tree, and the branches of this plane tree extended over three continents . He noticed that he took numerous nations beneath his shadow. In this area , the Adhan of Muhammad is repeated on gorgeous buildings and domes ; Nightingales were chanting the Holy Quran. Every visible section of the sky was blanketed with laughing.

While Osman Bey was enjoying these gorgeous views with great respect in his dream, he suddenly saw a gazelle arrive. He woke up while intending to discharge an arrow at a gazelle that was trying to flee westward .


Not long after the dream read by Sheikh Edebali, Osman Bey married the Sheikh’s daughter, Bala Hatun . This marriage attracted the economic might and futuwwa specialists around Osman Gazi. The tangible basis of the state that would supply the order of the globe that would educate the world with guidance and endeavors to honor the religion of Allah for 623 years was placed.

On the other hand, all the spiritual disciples of the period agreed under the leadership of Osman Gazi and his family. In particular, His Excellency Edebali, Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli and Ahi Evran wished this very much and prayed to God.


With these and similar high good news, the flag raised by the Ottoman Empire rose beneath the shadow of the spiritual wings of the great saints. The believing people of Anatolia, who were overwhelmed by the destructive invasion of the Mongols, full of brutality, found calm by running beneath the wings of the people of heart who were friends of God; He came to life and was resurrected. Otherwise, the entirety of Anatolia would have faced the threat of losing its spiritual identity. Because the expansion of the Mongols, an idolatrous country, to the west, defeating the best armies of Islam, caused the inhabitants of Anatolia sorrowful, depressed, and even despondent. So much so that, with tremendous tiredness, symptoms of progressively drifting away from one’s core arose and Mongolian habits, traditions and lifestyles began to become trendy.

The Ottomans were able to call “stop” to this terrible circumstance by offering heart to heart with the Edebali chain , and experienced and comprehended that the defeats that had occurred until that point were a result of divergence from the truth or a test. He stated and motivated his followers that the Christians who were received God’s confirmation would once again be prosperous and triumphant.


The most noticeable element of Osman Gazi’s reign is that he formed the foundation of the state on spiritual and lasting foundations. There were remarkable persons with knowledge, faith and wisdom surrounding him such as Edebali Hazrat, Şeyh Mahmut, Dursun Fakıh, Kâsım Karahisârî, Şeyh Muhlis Karamânî, Âşık Pasha, Elvan Çelebi.

Spirituality was so vital in the state structure that Osman Gazi’s Principality was reaffirmed by Dursun Fakıh’s speech at the Friday prayer following the capture of Karacahisar Castle in 1299.


Historian Hammer says:

“The organization and fundamental foundations of the state he left behind were so strong that the Ottoman Empire became the largest state in the world after a short time. The unreasonable assumption was to claim to the people of his time: “The grandchildren of this ghazi will bring Europe to its knees by defeating many powerful states and dominate these map regions!” If they spoke, everyone who heard them would remark: ‘This is a dream; It is an empty fairy tale!” he would say. But that legendary Ghazi and his entourage, notably the Sufis and thinkers, believed in this totally and worked diligently for this big emergence.”

Indeed, Osman Gazi and his valiant soldiers did not get off horseback; They went from one raid to another day and night. They evolved, expanded and multiplied swiftly. They became a terrifying dream for Byzantium. They struggled from seven to seventy to disseminate the loud message of Islam across the world. Kuffar could no longer leave their castles.


When Osman Gazi’s victories are viewed on the map, his remarkable ambitions immediately show out:

The desire to base the frontiers on the water,
To clamp down on Byzantium, which was ready to collapse, Separating the Greek regions from each other by maneuvers in the shape of divisions, and then capturing the detached areas.


Just as he labored in this manner, he also transmitted the same effort to his children. Before his death, he traveled to Bursa and pointed out to his son the dome of a monastery sparkling from afar and said:

“You should put me under the silver dome!” he exclaimed.

Osman Gazi, who spent his life in continual struggle and conflict, made effective use of the benefit of being on the border with Byzantium and brought enormous dynamism to his realm, allowing his lowly principality make quick progress towards becoming a global state. The successors of Osman Gazi, who had no claim to majesty and magnificence at the outset, became the sultans of Gazi. He made a vision that was supposed to be a dream a reality.



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