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Biography of Mehmed III

III. Mehmed is one of the sultans of the Ottoman era. III. During the reign of Mehmed, the Ottoman Empire experienced major events and engaged in wars. III. Mehmet’s time is covered in the Ottoman period. III. Mehmed is recognized as the 13th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Last week, Sultan III was among the most studied sultans on the internet. Mehmed took part. Especially III on many platforms. Mehmed’s time is being investigated and debated. Okay, III. Who is Mehmed? III. What events did the Ottoman state undergo during the reign of Mehmed? III. Which conflicts did Mehmed engage in? 3. What is Mehmet’s life? Here is everything from the Mehmet III era.
III. Mehmed is the 13th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He came from the Sanjak principality and became the sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Who is Mehmed III?

III. Mehmed was born in the city of Manisa around 1566. He is the 13th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He is also the 93rd caliph of Islam. He is the first sultan to go on a campaign in 30 years since the death of Suleiman the Magnificent. His father’s name is III. Murad’s mother’s name is Safiye Sultan. He has two wives named Halime Sultan and Handan Sultan. III. Mehmed is a sultan who continued his reign till his death after succeeding to the throne.

Fratricide problem

The first thing Sultan Mehmet did as soon as he inherited the throne was to have his 19 brothers murdered. This episode is one of the deadliest occurrences in Ottoman history, because most of those slaughtered were newborns. After this occurrence, the people III. It is said that he carried a grudge against Mehmed and did not love him.

While Sultan Mehmed ReÅŸad was visiting his grandfathers’ tombs following the sword-donning ritual, Sultan Mehmed III. He does not visit Mehmed’s tomb and adds, “I do not want to visit the grave of the child murderer.” he says. This episode is provided as an example that the Ottoman Dynasty was also bothered by this issue.

Austrian and Wallachian Expeditions

Sultan III. Mehmed, his father Sultan III. He ascended to the throne when the Ottoman-Austrian War, which begun under the reign of Murad II, was continuing. Sultan III. As soon as Mehmed gained the throne, he dealt with the crises of Austria and Wallachia. In 1595, Austrian soldiers besieged Esztergom Castle, but Mehmed Pasha, who was 40 km distant, did not travel to aid Esztergom Castle. Although Esztergom Castle, which could not get any support, defended bravely, it had to yield to the Austrians, who were stronger in numbers (September 2, 1595).

Sinan Pasha conducted raids against Wallachian Prince Mihai Viteazul. Ottoman soldiers occupied Bucharest and Targovishte, but Mihai soon counterattacked and the Ottoman forces forced to flee. Meanwhile, most of the Ottoman troops who fell into the wetlands died. Later, the Ottoman invaders, who were exposed to a new onslaught owing to not taking the appropriate measures when crossing the Danube to the other bank, suffered enormous losses.

After the fall of Esztergom Castle, Visegrad on the Danube also fell into the hands of the enemy. The fall of several key castles and cities triggered the reaction of the state authorities and janissaries in Istanbul. The Janissaries also wanted the sultan to embark on a campaign.

III. Mehmed encounters the Crusader army

After the capture of Eğri Castle by the Ottomans, Europe took measures and formed a Crusader army of 300 thousand troops consisting of Austrian, German, Erdelli, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Belgian, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Slovak and Polish warriors. The Crusader army and the Ottoman army of 140 thousand troops fought each other in Haçova on October 15, 1596.

The Ottomans sustained huge fatalities due to the tremendous rifle fire of the Crusaders. After the false word of the sultan’s departure circulated at the front, the janissaries began to retreat. Thinking that they had achieved victory, the Crusaders started to loot the land. However, those in the back service of the Ottoman army were still there.

Backward service members such as lumberjacks, tent makers, servants, camel drivers and cooks, who normally do not participate in the war, started to attack the Crusaders, who had already dispersed for plunder , with whatever cauldrons, ladles, axes and scythes they could get their hands on, when they saw that the Janissaries were withdrawing. Seeing this, the Janissaries returned to the front and the Battle of Haçova was won. Due to the remarkable events that took place, this fight went down in history as the Battle of Kepçe Kazan.

Conquest of EÄŸri Castle

Realizing that the situation was becoming worse, Sultan III. Mehmed convened the statesmen and stated, “From our grandfather, the foundation of our kingdom, Osman Gazi, to our great-grandfather, Suleiman the Magnificent, all the sultans went on expeditions in front of the army. Our grandpa Sultan Selim II (Selim II) and our heavenly father Sultan Murad (Murat III) “) they violated this practice. Even we made the error of ordering the trip to our pashas in the outset. Our military boys want to see us at their command. Our choice is that we will go on the excursion soon. Let the preparations be done. It is necessary to go to put the unbelievers to their place.” what he said; He answered to his mother Safiye Sultan, who opposed him, by asking, “Valide, we are the sultan son of the Sultan, why did we wear this sword at the Eyüp Sultan Mosque if we are not going to use it? Our decision is our decision, we will embark on a campaign. We will not compromise the state for the sake of the throne.” It is believed that the besieged EÄŸri Castle (Eger Castle in Hungarian) was handed over to the sultan on October 12, 1596.

Battle of Khachova (1596)

After the capture of Eğri Castle, Ottoman soldiers proceeded and confronted a huge European army at Haçova on October 15, 1596. This army included Austrian, German, Erdelli, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Belgian, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Slovak and Polish personnel. Thus, the number of men in the Crusader Army reached 300 thousand. The Ottoman Army consisted of 140 thousand troops. Archduke III of Austria In the Battle of Haçova, fought against the enemy forces under the command of Maximilian, the Ottoman troops were exposed to rifle fire from the hostile troops. Many Ottoman troops died.

When the word circulated on the Ottoman front that the army headquarters had been overrun and the sultan had fled, most of the janissaries retreated and the Crusader army proceeded to pillage, thinking that it had achieved victory. Meanwhile, the lumberjacks, tent builders, servants, camel drivers and chefs, who were the rear servants of the army, proceeded to assault the enemy with the pickaxes, wood splitters, axes, scythes and ladles they had taken. Since the Crusader army engaged in the loot, its order was shattered, and this surprise onslaught generated panic. After the enemy fled, the raiders and janissaries collected again and attacked the Crusader army, an unexpected victory was achieved and the route to Vienna was opened for the Ottomans (26 October 1596). Since the backward servants contributed to winning this conflict, this war is also known as the “Kapçe Kazan War” in the literature.

After the Battle of Haçova, Sultan III. Mehmed returned to Istanbul. Satırcı Mehmed Pasha was appointed to the Austrian front. Satırcı Mehmed Pasha, who succeeded to take back the Tata Castle, did not prevail against the enemy forces in the Vaç area, north of Budin. Meanwhile, although a peace accord was sought to be established with Austrian officials, no significant results were gained. After a time, Austrian soldiers took Yanıkkale (Raab Castle), which was taken in 1594 (1598).

Conquest of Kanije Castle and Defense of Kanije Satırcı

Mehmed Pasha has not earned any military triumph for two years. During this era, various Ottoman strongholds fell into the hands of the Austrians. Following the execution of Mehmed Pasha, Grand Vizier Damat İbrahim Pasha seized leadership of the army and came to Belgrade. Meanwhile, Austria sought peace. The Austrians promised to surrender Eğri and Hatvan, which they had previously seized back, to the Ottomans. In response to this request, Ottoman diplomats asked for Esztergom, Novigrad, Filek and Yanıkkale. The deal could not be struck.

EÄŸri Expedition, 1596

Damat Ibrahim Pasha, who spent the winter in Belgrade, began to encircle and siege Kanije Castle. While the siege was continuing, the captive Ottoman troops in the castle blew up the gunpowder storage to sacrifice their lives, forcing the stronghold to be destroyed. However, an army of 20,000 troops under the command of Philippe Emmanuel arrived to the relief of Kanije Castle, which still did not surrender. Caught between two flames, the Ottoman army continued to battle. When the opposing force that came to help retreated, Kanije surrendered after a 40-day siege.

The headquarters of the Beylerbeylik was shifted to Kanije, and the Beylerbeylik of Kanije was granted to Tiryaki Hasan Pasha. Sultan III. Because of this victory, Mehmed told Damat Ä°brahim Pasha that he would continue as grand vizier as long as he lived as sultan (September 10, 1601). Trying to take back the Kanije fortress, Archduke Ferdinand encircled Kanije with a big force. A tiny handful of soldiers under the command of Tiryaki Hasan Pasha successfully protected the citadel for more than two months. The Ottoman soldiers, which began to run out of food, water and ammunition, made a surprise maneuver and beat the opposing army, which looked to be many times superior to them, in front of Kanije Castle (November 18, 1601). After this triumph, Istolni-Belgrade and Esztergom were also taken back in 1603.

Relations with the Safavids

The Safavids breached the pact struck in 1590, which lasted 13 years. Shah Abbas I took advantage of the fact that the Ottoman Empire was at war with Austria. The Safavids, who attempted to gain back the provinces they lost with the Treaty of Ferhat Pasha, took advantage of the weakness of the Ottoman Empire owing to the Celali Rebellions in Anatolia and declared war on the Ottomans on August 25, 1603. Shah Abbas seized Tabriz and Revan. The Safavid State had become powerful again. While the battle with the Safavids raged, III. Mehmed died at the age of 38. His grave is in Hagia Sophia, erected in his name. It is in Mehmed Tomb.

Architectural works

Sultan III, who had works done on zoning. Mehmed had the Gölmarmara Halime Hatun Mosque and Social Complex erected in the honor of his foster mother, Halime Hatun, and the Yeni Valide Mosque and Social Complex, in the name of his mother, Safiye Sultan. Apart from this, Sultan III had several mosques restored. Mehmed also had the foundations of the New Mosque laid.

His Death

III, who died on December 20, 1603, at the age of 37. Different sources give different details concerning Mehmed’s demise. It was said that his health was rocked by the news of defeats arriving from the eastern front, notably the fall of Tabriz, his sickness steadily worsened and after growing worse on 18 December, he died on 20 December. Mehmed bin Mehmed er-Rûmî characterizes this ailment as a gastrointestinal disorder induced by obesity. However, some reports state that he died of a heart attack or cardiac arrest.


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